シンシア スミス / Cynthia Smith

所 属
国際学部 国際文化学科
職 名
学 歴
M.A. TESOL Anaheim University, 2012
B.A. Latin American Studies, Smith College, 1994
学 位
職 歴
GLT Engage, Portland, Instructor(2020-2021)
新潟国際情報大学, CEP Instructor(2016-2019)
AIR College, Instructor(2015-2016)
Niigata City Board of Education, AssistantLanguage Instructor(2013-2014)
Instructor, Portland State University (2011-2013)
Niigata City Board of Education, Assistant Language Instructor(2004-2011)
GEOS Language Systems, Instructor and Area Liaison to Head Office(1997-2004)
Award for Academic Excellence, Anaheim University, 2012
Diversity, Identity, Bilingualism
・Programs Chair, Niigata Chapter, Japan Association of Language Teachers(JALT)
・Member, Gender Awareness in Language Education, JALT Special Interest Group
①Smith, C.(2021, August 21).The natural use and teaching of singular they(Research presentation).North East Asia Regional(NEAR) Language Education Conference, Niigata, Japan.
②Smith, C.(2020).Lesbian, mother, foreigner, and educator: Challenges of a multifaceted identity in Japan. In D. H. Nagatomo, K. A. Brown, & M. L. Cook(Eds.),Foreign female English teachers in Japanese higher education: Narratives from our quarter(pp. 193-205).Candlin & Mynard.
③Adamson, J., Steward, A., Smith, C., Lander, B., Fujimoto-Adamson, N.,Martinez, J., and Masuda, M.(2019). Exploring the publication Practices of Japan-based EFL scholars though collaborative autoethnography. English scholarship Beyond Borders 5(1),3-31.
④Smith, C. & Thukral, L.(2020).Coping with homework: Two intercultural mothers’ experiences with their children’s schoolwork in Japan. In M. L. Cook & L. G. Kittaka(Eds.),lntercultural families and schooling in Japan: Experiences, issues, and challenges(pp. 94-117).Candlin & Mynard.
⑤Smith, C.(2018).Linguistics of Diversity. Bilingual Japan, 27(2),4-10.
JALT Bilingualism SIG.
⑥Smith, C.(2017).Creating LGBT-inclusive classrooms(Research presentation).North East Asia Regional(NEAR) Language Education Conference, Niigata, Japan.
⑦Smith, C.(2016).The shy bilingual. Bilingual Japan, 25(2),16-19. JALT Bilingualism SIG.
⑧Smith, C.(2013, January).Correcting student errors(Presentation).新潟県教育委員会主催、文部科学省共催年中学会発表
⑨Smith, C.(2010, January).Cultural issues facing female ALTs(Workshop).新潟県教育委員会主催、文部科学省共催年中学会発表