title 見出し

Final Exam & Farewell Party***

name 担当者氏名


schedule today 今日の予定

午前→Final Exam

午後→Farewell Party***

main event today 今日の主な出来事

Final Exam



まずスピーキングのテスト。4つのクレイジーな絵の中からひとつの絵を選び、その絵の前後になにがあったかを自分で話を作って英語で説明するもの だった。はじめは予想外な問題に戸惑ったが、グループで相談してもいいとのことだったので緊張せずにできた。しかし話は作れても英語で説明するのはやはり 難しくかなり詰まってしまったが、ミシェルが助けてくれてなんとか乗り切った。




Farewell Party***

午後6時からはフェアウェルパーティーがあった。カナダに来てすぐに催されたはじめのパーティーに比べれば、もともと人数の少ない私たちはとても小 さいパーティーに感じられたが、今までお世話になった人を囲んでの、とても素敵なパーティーだった。食事の前に、はじめのパーティーで撮った集合写真つき の卒業証書を一人ずつミシェルが生徒に手渡していく。ミシェルが名前を呼ぶたびに、これで最後なのだと思い知らされるようで少し悲しくなった。



Events today in English

Final Exam

It is the final day today. Therefore, the final examination was held.

An examination is about three hours. Although I was imagining the test of English in the university in Japan, it was what is completely different.

We had a speaking test at first. We choose one picture from the pictures with which four mind went wrong. And the talk is made personally and it explains in English what was before and after the picture. Although bewildered by the unexpected problem in the beginning, it was able to do without becoming it tense, since it was a thing that you may consult into a group. However, even if it could make the talk, although it had been too got blocked considerably difficultly, Michelle helped to explain in English and it overcame somehow.

Next, it is the test of listening. Since this was carried out several times also in session, it was as expected. However, I get confused and am diffident. Subsequent reading was related with the art museum which Michelle's took before, or RAZAFODO. The last is the test of a lighting. It is touch like the conclusion of the journal written until now, and I remembered automatically the journal written until now while having written, and the thing after coming to Canada. When called No. 1 with the recollections of Canada, I who all remain in recollections was not decided to be one. If it thinks that this is the last, lonesomeness will have crowded with a feeling of achievement, or a feeling of fullness. Although it thought that an English lesson had much homework and was disagreeable when turned round, it was always the language loan which is pleasant and is beneficial during session. When considered now, as long, it was felt short for one month.

Farewell Party***

There was a fair Well party from 6:00 p.m. Although we with little from the first number were felt for the very small party when compared with the first party which came to Canada and was held immediately, it was a very great party surrounding the person who was indebted until now. Michelle hands at a time to the student one diploma with a set photograph whose picture was taken at the first party before the meal. It became somewhat sad as made to realize with it being the last now whenever Michelle calls a name a . The back meal was carried out and collection of autographs were presented to Michelle who is the teacher of our English which was especially indebted, and Lyon which always supported us. uncanny two persons glad since like, it was glad It is indebted especially to these two persons, and there are much recollections. It was very impressive that Michelle was crying over the last of a party for a while. It was full of the feeling of wanting to be thankful to all the men concerned with all man us that met in land called Canada.

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめ


other その他
