title 見出し


name 担当者氏名


schedule today 今日の予定

8:00〜12:00 class 12:45〜13:45 company visit

main event today 今日の主な出来事

いつも通り寝坊した。マチヤに起こされて一日が始まった。マチヤはちゃっかり朝食を取っていた。バスの中では睡魔が襲ってくる。かなり強敵だ。僕達 はいつも睡魔に完敗している。僕は他の乗客と足がぶつかり目を覚ました。マチヤも目を覚ました。すると何を思ったのかマチヤが猛然とバスの出口へダッシュ を仕掛けた。しかも、そのバス停降りる場所じゃねぇし!まさかと思ってマチヤを見てるいと、見事にそのバス停へタッチダウン!!僕はマチヤを止める事が出 来なかった。バス停に降り立ったマチヤは状況を把握できていないのか、そのバス停にただ立ちすくむだけだった。今日は睡魔にもマチヤにも完敗だった。教室 でマチヤのダッチダウンの話をすると爆笑だった。みんなの眠気を吹っ飛ばす事に成功した。ありがとうマチヤ。昨日から合流した新メンバー2人を加え授業が スタートした。といっても、新メンバーは初日から派手に遅刻をかましてくれた。まだ、新しい生活に慣れていないのでしょうがないのだが…。今日の授業は新 メンバーの紹介や自己紹介など、僕らと新メンバーとのスキンシップを図るための授業だった。いつも通り笑い交じりの楽しい授業だった。しかし、授業の後 半、僕は風邪を引いている事に気づいた。最悪だ。午後の企業訪問はいつもの集合場所だったが、集合時間はいつもより早かった。「ゆっくり飯ぐらい食わせろ や!!」とシンタロウがぼやいているのを僕とマチヤは耳にした。セバスチャンの荒い運転で企業へ向かった。今日の企業はホームページデザインを専門とする 企業で、この企業の都合で集合時間も早くなったわけで、何を急いでいるのか知らないが話すスピードも鬼のように早かった。なにせ、Ryanですら時々理解 出来ないぐらいのマシンガントークだった。そして訪問時間も今までで一番短かった。そして今、大学の図書館に居る。風邪のダルさと戦いながら、日記を書い ているが今日は大人しく家に帰って、寝ようと思う。マチヤがダダをこねない限り。

Events today in English

It always passed and overslept. It was started by MACHIYA and one day started. MACHIYA had taken breakfast firmly. Drowsiness attacks in a bus. It is quite a formidable enemy. I am always completely defeated by drowsiness. Other passengers and legs collided with and I woke up. MACHIYA also woke up. Then, MACHIYA dashed into the exit of a bus what you considered. And the bus stop is not the place from which it gets down. With from which it gets down by no means and which thinks that does not divide and is looking at MACHIYA, it touches down to the bus stop splendidly!! I was not able to stop MACHIYA. MACHIYA which came down at the bus stop was only merely petrified whether the situation can be grasped and with the bus stop. It was a complete defeat also in MACHIYA today also at drowsiness. When the talk of a DATCHI down of MACHIYA was carried out in the classroom, it was a burst of laughter. It succeeded in waking up of everybody. Thank you, MACHIYA. Two new members who joined from yesterday were added, and the lesson started. But the new member was long late from the first day. Although it probably is not used to a new life yet and there is nothing… Today's lesson was a lesson for planning the personal contact of me and new members, such as introduction, self-introduction, etc. of a new member. It always passed and was the pleasant lesson of laughter mixture. However, I have noticed catching a cold in the second half of a lesson. It is the worst. Although the visit to a company of an afternoon was a usual meeting place, a meeting time was earlier than usual. Shintarou said "At least boiled rice is made to be eaten slowly!!" me and MACHIYA an ear having carried out.It went to the company by Sebastian's rude operation. It was the company which makes a homepage design a speciality, and today's company was the translation which a meeting time also became early for the sake of this company's convenience, and its speed about which it speaks although it does not know what is in a hurry was also very early. Anyway, it was speed to the extent that he sometimes cannot understand even by Ryan. And visit time was also the shortest until now. And it is in the library of a university now. Although the diary is written fighting with dull of cold, I think that it will act as an adult, it will return to early home, and will sleep today. Unless MACHIYA says as selfishness.

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめ


other その他
