title 見出し "Labour day"

name 担当者氏名

田中 和広

schedule today 今日の予定

Labour dayとジェントルを楽しんだ!

main event today 今日の主な出来事


今日はホストマザーとエルクパークという大きな卵が飾られているところに行くらしい。昨日の話では10時頃に出かけると言っていたので 九時には起きていた。しかし、10時になっても何も起こらなかった。ホストマザーは時間にルーズな人だった。自分も結構そうなのだが。今までホストマザー が立てた予定は全て1時間以上は遅れる。昨日は2時半にMuseumに行くと言っていたのに結局4時に家を出ていた。そのせいか、Museumは閉店間近 で入れなかったし、アルバータ州100周年を記念して外で無料のケーキを配っていたのに、ちょうど食べれなかった。しかし、※ホストマザー”カルピナ”は 凄く良い人。優しいし言葉が通じなくても熱心に話し掛けてくれる。そして、11時30分頃に出かけた。カルピナの話によると、120キロくらい車で走った ところにあるみたいで、1時間30分はかかると言われた。最初は途切れ途切れ会話をしながらピクニック気分だったのだが、さすがに1時間半はきつい。会話 が次第になくなって睡魔が襲ってきていた。もともと寝ることが好きなので、生活していて、やることがなかったり、疲れてきたりすると、寝たくなってくる。 一日中そんな感じだ。しかし、ハイウェイの景色は良かった。綺麗な青空と、絵画にでてきそうな雲の形、馬、バッファロー、大きな牧場や農園、綺麗な教会な ど、凄かったハイウェイなのに大自然が広がっているなんて感動した。公園に着いたら、大きな卵があった。ウクライナ人がこの卵と公園を作ったらしい。載せ れたら画像を載せようと思う。また良い経験ができたと思った。


Events today in English

It was Labourday today. First of all, I want to explain Labourday. It seems to be the same express gratitude to the working person for in holiday at the Labor Thanksgiving Day of Japan as Labourday. When Canadian's word is heard, it is such feeling. It seems to go to the place where a big egg of Elk park is decorated with the host mother today. It stayed up at nine o'clock because it had been said that it went out in yesterday's story around ten o'clock. However, anything did not happen though it became ten o'clock. The host mother was a loose person in time. Though I seem to be also excellent. Up to now, the host mother is late and the made schedule has been delayed all one hour or more. After all, yesterday had gone out of the house at four o'clock though said going at 2:30 to Museum. It was not possible not to have put, and to just eat by the close closing the store of Museum it probably because of though a free cake had been distributed outside in commemoration of the 100th anniversary in Alberta state. However, * host mother "Calpina" is a terrible, good person. It is gentle, and it speaks ardently even if the word doesn't run and it multiplies. And, it went out at about 11:30. It was said that it would take 1 hour and 30 minutes as being in the place in which it had run about 120 kilos by car according to the story of Calpina. It is tight first at indeed one and a half hours though it was picnic feelings. become interrupted, become interrupted, and talkThe conversation was gradually lost and sleepiness had attacked it. It lives because it likes to sleep originally, and it never does nor it becomes tired, and it comes to want to sleep. It is such feeling all day long. However, scenery in the highway was good. Nature stretched to a beautiful blue sky and the painting though it was a terrible highway such as shape, a horse, a buffalo of the cloud, a big ranch, farms, and beautiful churches and it was impressed. There was a big egg when arriving at the park. Ukrainian seemed to have built this egg and the park. When it is possible to put it, I will put the image. Moreover, I thought that it was able to have done a good experience.

related image 関連画像

他の文章を書いて保存してから、一番下にある「参照」ボタンでファイルを指定し、「ファイルの添付」ボタンで画像を登録する。 登録したら、次のどちらかをここに書く。 ・画像へのリンクは {{attach_anchor('ファイル名')}} ・画像の表示は {{attach_view('ファイル名')}}

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめまとめを書く。


other その他
