title 見出し "9月2日"

name 担当者氏名


schedule today 今日の予定

0800-1200 Classes Conversation Club

main event today 今日の主な出来事

今日は、6時頃起きて朝食にシリアルを食べた。カナダの朝食はシリアルを食べる家庭が多いようだ。牛乳が嫌いな人にはカナダの朝食は辛いと思う。今日もい つもどうり7時5分にホームステイ先から徒歩2分程の場所にあるバス停からバスに乗って、途中で地下鉄に乗り換え7時45分に大学に着いた。その後2時間 程英語の授業を受けてから、今日は大学内にあるラザフォードハウスという場所に行った。ラザフォードハウスとは、アルバータ州最初の州知事であるラザ フォード氏の家で1911年に完成した歴史的な建物である。また、ラザフォード氏はアルバータ大学を設立した人物だ。ラザフォードハウスの中には、ラザ フォード氏や、その家族の部屋があり、家具などが昔と同じように残されていた。ラザフォードハウスは歴史的な建物というだけあって、私がホームステイして いる家と比べても非常に広い。ラザフォードハウスの中を見学した後、庭でゲートボールのようなものをやった。ルールは理解できなかったが楽しかった。その 後昼食の時間だったので今日もHubモールのEdoという店で昼食を食べた。私のホームステイ先のホストマザーが作る弁当は非常に量が少ないのでホームス テイ生活になってからも昼食は買って食べている。Edoはカナダでとても人気のある店のようだ。前にウエストエドモントンモールに行った時もEdoを2件 見つけたが列ができるほど人が並んでいた。昼食後、今日は午後から6回目のConversation Clubがあった。今日のConversation Clubはコーヒーショップに移動してそこで行われた。カナダに来てすぐのころに比べると英語で何を話しているのか少しは理解できるようになってきたし、 自分の考えを英語で言うもの早く言葉にできるようになったと思う。Conversation Clubは英語の授業とは違って少人数で行われるため英語の上達のためには非常に良いものだ。今日のConversation Clubは、何個か問題が用意されていてその問題をどう思うか質問してくるので各自答えるという形式だった。複雑な問題もあったがうまく答えられない場合 はその問題はやめて、別の簡単なものにしてくれたので楽しみながら答えることができた。Conversation Clubの後は、図書館に行って日記を書いた。来週の水曜にカナダに来てからの15日分の日記を英語で書いたものを提出しなければならない。また、来週の 金曜はテストがあるため明日から3連休だがこれからは忙しくなりそうだ。図書館に19時30分までいて、その後、駅の近くの店などによってから帰宅したた めホームステイ先に着いたのは21時ぐらいだった。私のホームステイ先のホストファミリーは1人しかいなくて夜仕事に出かけるため私が遅く帰ると仕事に 行っていることが多い。この日もすでに仕事に行っていて家には誰もいなかった。冷蔵庫に夕飯が入っていると書いてある紙がテーブルの上に置いてあったの で、夕食を暖めて食べた。夕食はパスタと肉を混ぜたような物とサラダだったがおいしかった。夕食後、少しテレビを見てから風呂に入り11時頃に寝た。

Events today in English

I occurred around 6:00 and SHIRIARU was eaten for breakfast today. It seems that the breakfast of Canada has many homes which eat SHIRIARU. To a person dislike milk , I think that the breakfast of Canada is hot. The bus was taken from the bus stop always located from a homestay place how in the place like on foot 2 minute at 7:05, and I changed to the subway on the way, and arrived at the university at 7:45 today also. After receiving the English lesson after that for about 2 hours, We went to a place called the Rutherford house in a university today. The Rutherford house is the historical building completed in the house of Mr. Rutherford who is the first state governor in the State of Alberta in 1911. Moreover, Mr. Rutherford is the person who founded University of Alberta. Mr. Rutherford and the family's room are in the Rutherford house, and furniture etc. was left behind like ancient times. Even if it compares the Rutherford house with the house where it is in as it is called a historical building, and I stay, it is very large. After inspecting the inside of the Rutherford house, a thing like gateball was done in the yard. Although the rule was not able to be understood, it was pleasant. Since it was the time of lunch after that, lunch was eaten in a store called Edo of a Hub mall today also. Since there is very little quantity, also after becoming a homestay life, the lunch which host Mother of my homestay place makes buys lunch, and is eating it. Edo seems to be the store which is very popular in Canada. People had stood in a line, so that the sequence was made, although two Edo(es) were found also when it went for West Edmonton Mall before. There was the 6th Conversation Club after lunch from an afternoon today. Today's Conversation Club moved to the coffee shop, and was performed there. A few can understand now about what does I come to Canada and is speaking in English compared with immediately, and I cause, and think that I came be made to language early [ thing ] which says its idea in English. Since an English lesson is different and is performed by a small number of people, its Conversation Club is very good for English progress. Today's Conversation Club was what several pieces or a problem is prepared and it thinks of the problem, and form of answering each one since a question is asked. Although there was also a complicated problem, when I was not able to answer well, the problem stopped, and I was able to answer, enjoying itself, since he was made another, easy thing. After Conversation Club I went to the library and wrote the diary. We have to submit what wrote the diary of the part on the 15th after coming to Canada on Wednesday of next week in English. Moreover, since there is a test on Friday of next week, although he has three consecutive holidays starting tomorrow, it is likely to become busy after this. a library -- up to 19:30 -- it is -- the store near after that and the station etc. -- since -- since I went home, I was having arrived at the homestay place at about 21:00. The host family of my homestay place is carrying out to work in many cases, if I return late in order for there to be only one person and to go out for work night. This day is also already carried out to work and its nobody was in the house. Since the paper currently written that supper is contained in a refrigerator was placed on the table, supper was warmed and eaten. Although supper was the thing and salad which mixed meat with the pasta, it was delicious. After supper, after watching television for a while, the bath was taken and I slept around 11:00.

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめ

ラザフォードハウスに行ってアルバータ大学の歴史などを知ることができた。Conversation Clubはあと数回しかないが楽しみたい。

other その他
