title 見出し "Free Day"

name 担当者氏名

八幡 正則

schedule today 今日の予定

8:00〜16:00 outdoor activity

main event today 今日の主な出来事


仕度をして、ホームステイ先から歩いてすぐのバス停で”これじゃ、今日予定のアウトドアアクティビティは中止かな” とバスを待ちながら、考えていた。 大学についてみると、案の定、ライアンが、”今日予定されていたアウトドアアクティビティーは中止になったので、今日は一日フリータイムだ”といった。 そのまま帰るにも乗り換え先のヘリテージから先のバスがなかったので、僕はまず友達とSUBに行った。 まず、SUBの中にある大学グッズを売っている店に行き、そこで、日本に買っていくお土産と、寒かったのでちょっと厚手の服をみてまわった。そこで僕は大学のロゴ入りの緑色のパーカーを買った。そのあとSUBの地下にあるゲームセンターで一時間ビリヤードをやってから、ヘリテ ージに行ってみようと思い、バスに乗った。 サウスゲートで一回バスを乗り換えてヘリテージに行ってみたが、実際ヘリテージにはあまり見る店がなかった。しょうがないので、とりあえずヘリテージにあったSUBWAYという、サンドイッチをだすファーストフード店で昼食を取った。 SUBWAYはカナダではあちこちで見かけるファーストフード店で、パンやパンに挿む野菜、ソース、また、焼くかどうかなどを自由に決めて注文できるのが特徴の店で、値段は最初に選んだ肉とサイズで決まるので、後はどのパンを選ぼうがどの野菜を入れようが値段は変わらない。 ここで昼食を食べた後ちょこちょこっと店を見てみたが興味のある店がなかったので、バスがくるまで約二時間ただひたすらバス停でバスを待っていたので、すごく疲れた。 家に着いてから一時間ほど寝て、それから、Myaと言う七歳になるこのいえの子供と遊び、それから夕食をとって、TVを見て、シャワーを浴びて寝た。 せっかくフリーになったのにすごく時間を無駄にしたような一日になってしまった。

Events today in English

When I got up at the morning of today and looked at the outside, it rained. I got ready and had elaborate "on foot at an immediate bus stop from homestay ahead and then thought about the today planned outdoor activity while waiting for cancellation kana" and a bus. Today said with free lance time "all day long as expected when I watched it about a university because the outdoor activity that Ryan was planned in" today was called off. I transferred to just return, and at first I did it in SUB with a friend from former Heritage because there was not a former bus. At first I went to the shop which sold a certain university goods in SUB and therefore because I was cold, with the souvenir which Japanese bought, I watched slightly thick clothes and turned around. Therefore I bought the green parka which a logo of a u niversity was with. I thought after doing billiards at an underground game center of the SUB more for one hour to try to go in Heritage and got on a bus. I changed a bus with a south gate once and tried to go in Heritage, but, actually, there was not a shop to watch in Heritage too much. Because there was no help for it, I took lunch in the fast food shop which started SUBWAY and the sandwich which said w hich Heritage had at once. SUBWAY is fast food shop to see here and there in Canada, and it is a shop of a characteristic vegetables, source to catch in bread and bread, that I decide whether, in addition, I bake it freely and can order it, and, as for the price, a price does not change because it is fixed at meat and the size that I chose first even if I put which vegetables even if I choose which bread afterward. I tried to watch shop when after ate lunch , but That was terrible, and a bus was tired from a car because there was not an interesting shop because but I waited for a bus earnestly at a bus stop for about 2 hours. I slept for one hour after arriving at a house and then I played with Mya is the 7 years old child who said and then asked you supper and watched TV and I bathed in a shower and slept. I have carried it with much effort on 1st that wasted time terribly though I became free. !

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめ


other その他
