title 見出し "LOST WAY!!"

name 担当者氏名

山際 佳

schedule today 今日の予定

英語授業8:00-12:00 ゴルフ13:15-15:00くらい フリー

main event today 今日の主な出来事

今日からホームステイ先から大学へ通うことになった。バスや電車の乗り換えが皆それぞれ違い、通学時間が1時間以上かかる場合もあるので初日の今日は無事 大学にたどり着けるかどうか大変だ。僕は八幡と同じホームステイで、今日の朝はホストマザーのケリーが車でHUBまで送ってくれた。教室にはすでに何人か 来ていたが数人は少し授業に遅れてきた。まあ皆無事通学できて一安心、帰りがまた不安だが…。  今日ボブのクラスに一人新しい生徒が来た。北海道酪農大学6年生のケンジは今後共に授業を受ける。今日の授業ではrとlの発音,会話練習とジェスチャー ゲームをやった。  昼はホストマザーが作ってくれたサンドイッチを食べた。今までは毎日買わなければならなかったので、これからは大分節約できそうだ。  13:15頃からはゴルフをした。大学内にプチゴルフ場があって、四人一組になり9ホールまわった。ほとんどがゴルフ初心者の僕らは思う通りボールを打 つことができず、空振りやボールを無くすことがしょっちゅうで相当苦戦したのだが、少しづつ慣れてくるととてもおもしろい。約2時間ゴルフを楽しんだ後は かなりぐったりした。この後はフリーだったので、図書館へ行きそれぞれのホストファミリーの様子を語り合った。割とみんな良い家庭に行く事ができたみたい だったがやはり何人かはあまり良くないみたいだ(食事が合わなかったりちょっとそっけなかったり)。僕のところはかなり良い家に当たった。ケリーは僕らに 対してとても優しく、帰宅して夕飯を食べた後とても大きなショッピングセンターに連れて行ってくれた。大量に食糧やら何やらを買い込んだ後、ケリーの友人 で日本人の女性が近くに住んでいるということで彼女の家に連れて行ってもらった。さなえさんといって、彼女は中国人の旦那さんと子供がいてカナダに来ても う10年になるという。カナダでの経験や様子、色々なアドバイスを沢山聞くことができた。22:00をまわったあたりで帰宅。ホームステイとなってからは 英語を話す機会が増えたので、一日の疲れがとても大きい。残り19日?!!

Events today in English Write in English.

It was expected that I went from homestay ahead to a university from today. Transfer of a bus and a train is different in all each students and is hard whether today of the first day can arrive at a safety university because there is it when attending sc hool time hangs more than one hour. My host mother ,Kelly sent me to HUB by homestay the same as Yahata by car at the morning. I already came to a classroom , some friends have already arribed , but other friends were late for class. I can attend schoo l safely, and everybody could come to class by myselves , a return again, but it is ...  A one new student came to a class of Bob today. Hokkaido catches a class to Kenji whose grade is 6th (grade-6th)of a senior together in future somehow.He is a gentl e man!! Today's class we practiced pronunciation of r and l, a conversation exercise and a gesture game .  The lunch was sandwich which a host mother made. I had to buy it every day during we lived dormitory and lunch is expensive so, I can seem to save it considerably from now on. After we ate lunch at 13:15 we played golf . There was a petit golf course in a university, and we made group four person one set, and nine halls turned around each groups. It always considerably had a hard fight to lose wid e swing and a ball not to be able to hit a ball as most think of us of a golf beginner, but it was very interesting when by little fits it. I was dead considerably tired after having enjoyed golf for about 2 hours. I went to a library and talked about a state of each host family after this because I was free. Was able to have seemed to go to the family where all were good for comparatively, but || after all much some || don't seem to be good || (a meal taste bad, and host family are always short with h im). My host family was a considerably good house. I took you to a very big shopping center after Kelly came home for us very kindly, and having eaten supper. I had you take you to her house that a Japanese woman lived with a friend of Kelly near after h aving bought food or what in large quantities. Her name is sanae. She married with the Chinese and children. She has been to Canada for ten years. I was able to hear her experience in Canada and state, a lot of various advice. I came home at 22:00. I f elt very tired because the opportunities that speak English after having become homestay increased, fatigue on 1st is very big. Remainder 19th?

discovery today 今日の異文化発見


roudup today 今日のまとめ


other その他
